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When can my pup have a bath?? Empty When can my pup have a bath??

Post by LeeEmmaandMarley Sun Nov 23, 2008 11:00 am

Little Marley is around 12 weeks old now and upto now we have been using puppy wipes on his little face and body, although hes started to smell a little now because he had an accident in his bed OMG
how old can he be before we can give him a wash and what products are safe and effective????
help our smelly lil pup!!


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When can my pup have a bath?? Empty Re: When can my pup have a bath??

Post by Guest Sun Nov 23, 2008 12:15 pm

Bless him, well you can bath him now...just make sure you keep him nice and warm and that he is dryed properly....just use a puppy no tears shampoo and youve cracked it.

Is there a posibility of first bath piccys lol!


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When can my pup have a bath?? Empty Re: When can my pup have a bath??

Post by simbalove Sun Nov 23, 2008 12:18 pm

I bathed the pups I bred at about 6 weeks and the pups Ibought as soon as I got them home (they have to smell likem y dogs Smile )

As for shampooI tend to use the same shampoo as I use for my other dogs but to be on the safe side (as if youwere planning to use an insecticiadl shampoo or the like it may be too strong for asmall pup) you can't go wrong with a puppy or baby shampoo Very Happy

Piccys if you have enough hands lol!

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When can my pup have a bath?? Empty Re: When can my pup have a bath??

Post by LeeEmmaandMarley Sun Nov 23, 2008 12:29 pm

thank you!! its going to be an interesting sunday afternoon then!! for me and lee anyhow!watch this space for pictures xx

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When can my pup have a bath?? Empty Re: When can my pup have a bath??

Post by Debbie Sun Nov 23, 2008 12:34 pm

Ahhhh lol, I'm planning to give my little stinker his first bath since we had him today too, he's just over 10 weeks old. Very Happy
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When can my pup have a bath?? Empty Re: When can my pup have a bath??

Post by NeeNee Sun Nov 23, 2008 12:35 pm

Can't wait for the photos.

Look out for the "incredible shrinking dog" bouncy lol
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When can my pup have a bath?? Empty Re: When can my pup have a bath??

Post by PhoebeMeesha Sun Nov 23, 2008 12:45 pm

I bathed all mine the second day I bought them home...heeehee as long as they are nice and warm afterward there is no problem.
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When can my pup have a bath?? Empty Re: When can my pup have a bath??

Post by claire Sun Nov 23, 2008 4:39 pm

i LOVE bath photos!!!!!! post some please !!!
they'll be scrumptious after a bath! boo will NOT have a hair dryer anywhere near her tho.. im a bit concerned, when her fur gets a bit longer itl be a nightmare if it cant be blowdried affraid
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When can my pup have a bath?? Empty Re: When can my pup have a bath??

Post by simbalove Sun Nov 23, 2008 4:41 pm

YOu need to get her used to it whether she likes it or not Claire - they all are like that to begin with but they soon get used to it, provided you use it and insist on using it lol!

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When can my pup have a bath?? Empty Re: When can my pup have a bath??

Post by LeeEmmaandMarley Mon Nov 24, 2008 7:52 pm

Ok, the bath happened.....whimpers and a harrowing dryer incident later here are the piccies for you all..........he seemed to be scared by the dryer but we persisted and he didn't get too freaked out, but boy did he com out fluffy!!!!When can my pup have a bath?? Sany0017When can my pup have a bath?? Sany0018When can my pup have a bath?? Sany0019

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When can my pup have a bath?? Empty Re: When can my pup have a bath??

Post by Kaz65 Mon Nov 24, 2008 9:44 pm

The Pictures are great. big armhug kisses

They look so cute when they are wet and afterwards smell so nice. lol!

Poppy loves the dryer she trys to catch the warm air in her mouth tongue3
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When can my pup have a bath?? Empty Re: When can my pup have a bath??

Post by Guest Mon Nov 24, 2008 9:48 pm

I cant see any pictures just crosses sad2


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When can my pup have a bath?? Empty Re: When can my pup have a bath??

Post by simbalove Mon Nov 24, 2008 10:23 pm

oh what lovely pics and don't they look soooo forlorn when they are wet. m Lovely and fluffy when they ar dry though wub wub wub

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When can my pup have a bath?? Empty Re: When can my pup have a bath??

Post by daisydotes Mon Nov 24, 2008 10:25 pm

Oooooooooo just love those puppy bath piccy's.
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When can my pup have a bath?? Empty Re: When can my pup have a bath??

Post by Guest Tue Nov 25, 2008 8:57 am

I can see them now....i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed them wub


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When can my pup have a bath?? Empty Re: When can my pup have a bath??

Post by LoopyLu Tue Nov 25, 2008 10:43 am

Awwww bless him!! Fab pics.

Willow is really good now with baths, still not happy with the dryer, barks at it and tries to eat the air!! I have found it easier to pop her in her puppy pen and dry her in there, while she runs around like a lunitic!!

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When can my pup have a bath?? Empty Re: When can my pup have a bath??

Post by claire Tue Nov 25, 2008 12:46 pm

Kaz65 wrote:The Pictures are great. big armhug kisses

They look so cute when they are wet and afterwards smell so nice. lol!

Poppy loves the dryer she trys to catch the warm air in her mouth tongue3

how do you make her like the dryer??? boo hates it sad2
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When can my pup have a bath?? Empty Re: When can my pup have a bath??

Post by Guest Tue Nov 25, 2008 12:50 pm

I start by putting it on near them and once their used to the sound then sit them on your knee and pretend to dry yours wafting alittle on them......then go in for the kill lol!

No this is the way i do it and after a week of doing this they couldnt care less 👼


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When can my pup have a bath?? Empty Re: When can my pup have a bath??

Post by daisydotes Tue Nov 25, 2008 1:35 pm

My 2 are fine with the hand held doggy dryer I use at the moment but I bet the Blaster I got coming will take a bit more getting used to Shocked Shocked Shocked
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When can my pup have a bath?? Empty Re: When can my pup have a bath??

Post by Guest Tue Nov 25, 2008 1:41 pm

The blaster dryers scare me pull hair out pull hair out


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When can my pup have a bath?? Empty Re: When can my pup have a bath??

Post by daisydotes Tue Nov 25, 2008 1:43 pm

Fluffyangel wrote:The blaster dryers scare me pull hair out pull hair out

Well good job I not gonna be drying your hair then Miss Fluff scared 7 scared 7
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When can my pup have a bath?? Empty Re: When can my pup have a bath??

Post by Guest Tue Nov 25, 2008 1:45 pm

Yes we must test them on ourselfs scared 7 pull hair out thmeugly


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When can my pup have a bath?? Empty Re: When can my pup have a bath??

Post by claire Tue Nov 25, 2008 2:08 pm

daisydotes wrote:
Fluffyangel wrote:The blaster dryers scare me pull hair out pull hair out

Well good job I not gonna be drying your hair then Miss Fluff scared 7 scared 7

bouncy lol
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When can my pup have a bath?? Empty Re: When can my pup have a bath??

Post by claire Tue Nov 25, 2008 2:18 pm

Fluffyangel wrote:I start by putting it on near them and once their used to the sound then sit them on your knee and pretend to dry yours wafting alittle on them......then go in for the kill lol!

No this is the way i do it and after a week of doing this they couldnt care less 👼

i tried that!! groan i put it on low and then higher, just in mid air, then pretended to dry my hair and said "oh look how nice it is to have your hair all nice and dry boo" Rolling Eyes and similar stupid things and she said there looking at me with her head to one side and then i slowly got closer to her and put the dryer on her. well within 0.005 of a second she ran off screaming like a banshee down the STAIRS affraid
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When can my pup have a bath?? Empty Re: When can my pup have a bath??

Post by Kaz65 Tue Nov 25, 2008 5:07 pm

Fluffyangel wrote:I start by putting it on near them and once their used to the sound then sit them on your knee and pretend to dry yours wafting alittle on them......then go in for the kill lol!

No this is the way i do it and after a week of doing this they couldnt care less 👼

That's what I do with Poppy. When I dry my hair I will turn it to her just for a second or so then back to my hair its now a game with her as she now trys to catch the air in her mouth which is funny to see. lol!
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