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First Walkies Empty First Walkies

Post by Sarah Sun Nov 16, 2008 6:41 pm

Well its taken a while to get here( what with the chest infection and anti biotics delaying her vaccinations...) but ....Lolas had her first walkies Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

Lola was pulling no eating anything horrid...

I was so proud!! thumbs up

We got stopped every 2nd step by people admiring her...I was like a proud mum

We only went up and down the cul de sac, but she really enjoyed started to rain but luckily she wasnt fazed (after reading a few post on here I was dreading the rain..)

We let her off the lead and she came when we called...(that was the bit I was dreading...)

Lolas didnt do number 2's though...she waitded til she came home and then cried at the back door...bless her ...and then went on the patio Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

I cant wait to got to the beach and parks with her now....

Just had to share.....

Registration date : 2008-10-12
Number of posts : 105
Age : 52
Location : South Wales
Points : 1

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First Walkies Empty Re: First Walkies

Post by Kaz65 Sun Nov 16, 2008 6:59 pm

Its great when you can start taking them out. We still get stopped with Poppy so our little walks take ages lol!

I haven't yet taking her off the lead. As I had a bad experience with one of my dogs (Rough Collie) when he was a Puppy I let him off the lead and this dog came running up to him he took one look and run out of the park and across a very busy main road. I ran after him shouting him but he wouldn't stop. He eventually stopped when he reached our front door and I had one frighten little puppy. So as you can see I'm worried this may happen to Poppy and with being a lot smaller then him she wouldn't stand a chance on that road. Over the years a few cats and dogs have been killed on it. Once I'm happy with her meeting other dogs on her lead then i will take her off it. Up to now we have only been in the park a few times so I'm weighing up the dogs that go in so I know which ones to avoid and which are friendly. She as made a few friends on her walks but is a bit weary of very big dogs but up to now she as been great.

Enjoy your walks and good on you for letting her off her lead. shih tzu
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Registration date : 2008-09-26
Number of posts : 1975
Age : 58
Location : Manchester
Points : 1014

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First Walkies Empty Re: First Walkies

Post by Debbie Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:07 pm

Oh bless her, what a little star! cheers Far more successful than Alfies first walk where I had to carry him most of the way when he flatly refused to walk lol!! Shocked Did you take photos??? bounce
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Registration date : 2008-09-21
Number of posts : 3245
Age : 53
Location : South Wales
Points : 1903

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First Walkies Empty Re: First Walkies

Post by Sarah Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:08 pm

Kaz OMG!...I dont blame you after that experience... affraid

We live practically in Gods waiting I felt quite safe
OH n I stood a few yards apart n called her so it wasnt too bad...not sure if I'd be brave enough to do it in a park yet....I keep thinking what if she legs it and didnt come back no not me sad2 no not me

I enjoyed her walks but am still a bit wary of her becoming you say other dogs etc

Registration date : 2008-10-12
Number of posts : 105
Age : 52
Location : South Wales
Points : 1

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First Walkies Empty Re: First Walkies

Post by Sarah Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:08 pm

Hiya Debbie

No I didnt take photos *hangs head in shame*

Registration date : 2008-10-12
Number of posts : 105
Age : 52
Location : South Wales
Points : 1

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First Walkies Empty Re: First Walkies

Post by Guest Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:12 pm

You must take pictures soapbox soapbox soapbox


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First Walkies Empty Re: First Walkies

Post by Kaz65 Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:14 pm

At the moment i have kept Poppy on a short lead but next time we go in the park I will try her on her extention lead and see how she does with that.

Pity we don't live near each other we could go on walks together. One day hopefully someone will join this forum that lives near me. Very Happy
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Registration date : 2008-09-26
Number of posts : 1975
Age : 58
Location : Manchester
Points : 1014

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First Walkies Empty Re: First Walkies

Post by Debbie Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:15 pm

Lol, what are you like!
Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
Maybe next time then!
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
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Registration date : 2008-09-21
Number of posts : 3245
Age : 53
Location : South Wales
Points : 1903

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First Walkies Empty Re: First Walkies

Post by Sarah Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:17 pm

I know ....its not like me...Lolas already has a few photo folders on the comp...
Def photos next time!

Registration date : 2008-10-12
Number of posts : 105
Age : 52
Location : South Wales
Points : 1

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First Walkies Empty Re: First Walkies

Post by daisydotes Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:24 pm

Love those first few puppy walks everyone cooing over the puppy and the puppy being so pleased with him/herself.

Daisy always waited till we got home to do a poo and when she did go for the first time while we were out walking I just made a huge fuss and gave her a treat she soon twigged that it was okay to poo when she was in other places beside her own garden.

No piccy's disgraceful lol!
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Registration date : 2008-09-21
Number of posts : 2688
Age : 74
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