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Is this normal? Empty Is this normal?

Post by loulou80 Mon Jul 09, 2012 6:57 am

Hi guys just want some advice or peace of mind. Jasper arrived at ours on friday and has been good as gold he's laid back loves cuddles or lying by your feet or watching the kids play. He's beginning to learn his name and now turns when you say it. Anyway my MIL came to see him the other day and remarked he was quiet. She rang last night and said I should take him to the vets if he 'doesnt liven up' as there could be something the matter with him.

I just assumed he was settling in and a bit overwhelmed by it all but now she's made me paranoid he's eating and drinking fine so should i just ignore her (she is used to jack russells who are hyper 24/7)

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Is this normal? Empty Re: Is this normal?

Post by sujay Mon Jul 09, 2012 8:27 am

I would have thought he was fine to be honest, but can't really say as I haven't seen him. He may be a bit quiet for a few days until he settles in, but at the minute everything is strange for him and he must be missing his Mum and litter mates. He is eating and drinking OK, and seems like he is doing OK with other things, so I wouldn't worry if I were you. Is he playing with his toys and the children (sorry I said you had 5 on the other thread, not sure where that came from!)?

You could give your vet a ring and let them have a look at him, maybe one of the nurses would do a quick check for you, and it would put your mind at rest.
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Is this normal? Empty Re: Is this normal?

Post by Liz b Mon Jul 09, 2012 11:52 am

I agree with Sujay. Also think shih tzu r very laid back apart from the odd crazy moments
Liz b
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Is this normal? Empty Re: Is this normal?

Post by loulou80 Mon Jul 09, 2012 4:14 pm

sujay wrote:I would have thought he was fine to be honest, but can't really say as I haven't seen him. He may be a bit quiet for a few days until he settles in, but at the minute everything is strange for him and he must be missing his Mum and litter mates. He is eating and drinking OK, and seems like he is doing OK with other things, so I wouldn't worry if I were you. Is he playing with his toys and the children (sorry I said you had 5 on the other thread, not sure where that came from!)?.

lol thats ok no definatley just 2 well 3 if you count Jasper Wink

Ive rang the vets cant get in till next week but as he's eating/drinking/doing business they not concerned and he is showing more personality I think he's just going to be chilled out pup which isnt a bad thing

Registration date : 2012-06-25
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Post by simbalove Mon Jul 09, 2012 7:36 pm

They do take a few days to get used to their new surroundings and stop missing their littermates. Young puppies should have quite a few sleeps during the day interspersed with eating times and mad few minutes playing (lots of toys for this breed especiallys soft fluffy ones)

He should be fine but if you are concerned (he isn't eating/drinking or is sick or has diarrhoea) get him to the vet as an emergency appointment.

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Is this normal? Empty Re: Is this normal?

Post by loulou80 Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:44 pm

Hi thanks for all your help I think he was just settling in as he's starting to find his feet and becoming more cuter by the day Ive been out and bought a clicker to have a go at clicker training as he isnt keen on his crate.

I have another question Jasper sleeps in his crate on a night his bed is in there but he keeps weeing on his bed Ive washed it but he wont sleep on it he sleeps on the side on the mat. Shall I get rid of the bed?

Registration date : 2012-06-25
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Is this normal? Empty Re: Is this normal?

Post by simbalove Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:52 pm

I would especially as he has weed on it and it will encourage him to wee there again (despite however much washing you do) - I would put the mat one side and a puppy pad the other as he will most probably crawl from where he is sleeping if he needs to pee ( babies in the nest do it almost immediately if they can) so it should help with the training xx

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Is this normal? Empty Re: Is this normal?

Post by loulou80 Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:49 pm

Thank you I will take it straight out and add a puppy mat see if that helps- he's just found a peice of my daughters a4 paper and wee'd on it he must've thought it was a training pad lol might learn her to tidy up after herself in futureIs this normal? 121985

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Is this normal? Empty Re: Is this normal?

Post by sujay Wed Jul 11, 2012 3:48 pm

It sounds like Jasper is settling in well now, and definitely finding his feet. As Lesley says, take his bed out and put a puppy pad in for him. Simba out shih tzu doesn't like sleeping in a bed, but has a thin mat on the floor that he sleeps on most nights.

Your daughter will soon get the message if Jasper wees on all her work! lol!
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Is this normal? Empty Re: Is this normal?

Post by loulou80 Wed Jul 11, 2012 4:43 pm

Is this normal? Jasper10

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Is this normal? Empty Re: Is this normal?

Post by Liz b Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:29 pm

Ha ha very funny Maggie used to do that lol
Liz b
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Is this normal? Empty Re: Is this normal?

Post by Famke Thu Jul 12, 2012 8:45 am

Yes that is definately normalIs this normal? 121985
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Is this normal? Empty Re: Is this normal?

Post by Michele Thu Jul 12, 2012 1:24 pm

Yes Wispa does this when we go to my mums straight on the shelf under the coffe table x
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Is this normal? Empty Re: Is this normal?

Post by sujay Sat Jul 14, 2012 8:08 am

It may not be normal for other breeds, but for shih tzu, yes it is perfectly normal!!! lmao
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Is this normal? Empty Re: Is this normal?

Post by loulou80 Sat Jul 14, 2012 11:14 am

lol he is crackers his personality his shining through now he's becoming a right character.

He is doing really well with clicker training and has mastered the 'touch' brilliantly.

Toilet training is slow he doesnt realise he has to go outside but at least he goes on his mats - i have to be quick at cleaning his poo or he eats itIs this normal? 21754 we take him out after every meal/drink etc but no matter if we go on grass or pavement he holds it in till we're home but we'll get there

Registration date : 2012-06-25
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Is this normal? Empty Re: Is this normal?

Post by sujay Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:30 am

It sounds like Jasper is showing the perfect shih tzu behaviour again, including the horrible habit of poo eating! Toilet raining a shih tzu can take time, but they will eventually get the message. At least Jasper is going on the pads which is easier to clean up. Once he has the idea in his head start to move the pads a little bit closer to the door each day. Also you could put one outside and anchor it with stones so if he needs to go when he is playing in the garden he might go and use it. Make sure he gets plenty of praise and rewards when he does and he should get the idea. Simba is 3 years old and has only just started using the garden to wee in. He still won't do anything else unless he really has to, but will normally wait until he is out on a walk. lol!
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Post by Missy moos dad Mon Jul 16, 2012 5:35 pm

our two have found a new use for alfies pads now he normally goes outside

[img] this normal? 31406110[/img]
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Post by simbalove Mon Jul 16, 2012 9:55 pm

I love it - that's what Josh thought they were for too lol!

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Is this normal? Empty Re: Is this normal?

Post by Gilly47 Fri Sep 07, 2012 9:30 am

Liz b wrote:Ha ha very funny Maggie used to do that lol

Do all Shih Tzu's do this - my 9 week old has done this since we brought her home two weeks ago !!!

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Is this normal? Empty Re: Is this normal?

Post by Famke Fri Sep 07, 2012 12:07 pm

Mine tried to demolish his puppy pad straight away so got rid of them and he's doing fine without them!
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Is this normal? Empty Re: Is this normal?

Post by simbalove Sat Sep 08, 2012 3:12 pm

ha ha ha lol!

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Is this normal? Empty Re: Is this normal?

Post by Dollysmum Mon Sep 24, 2012 4:21 pm

My Dolly shreds hers all over the place Sad

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