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Can this be right? Empty Can this be right?

Post by SweetMeg Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:09 pm

Hi There,

I have joined this forum to find out if how a neighbour is treating her little dog is right or not. I feel it is very wrong for such a small and sociable breed.

She leaves the poor little thing out most of the day and night on it's own and now it's getting colder and colder I'm very worried that the dog will get sick or even freeze to death. I'm so angry. She does this with every dog she gets and I've already reported her to the RSPCA but she lies to them and they have taken no action.

Is it me being a softie dog owner who wouldn't dream of leaving my bigger dogs outside for long periods of time or is she just really horribly cruel? There's a long history lack of caring and just seeming to think it's ok to neglect the dogs she's had.

Any thoughts anyone?


Minor Puppy
Minor Puppy

Registration date : 2011-12-09
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Can this be right? Empty Re: Can this be right?

Post by suzytzu Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:24 pm

Hi there, I know exactly how you feel as I have the same problem with a neighbour of ours. I also reported the case to the RSPCA and was told that as long as a dog has access to water once in 24 hrs then there was nothing they could do. I was disgusted and told them so. So I totally know how frustrated you must be. I dont understand why people have dogs if they intend to keep them outside all the time. I know my comments havnt really been of any help to you, but just wanted to let you know that I totally understand how upset you must be. Maybe if you keep reporting it then something will get done, heres hoping!!

Registration date : 2011-04-26
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Post by SweetMeg Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:41 pm

Hi Suzytzu,
Thanks for the reply. The situation is really stressing me out.
A couple of years ago she nearly starved another Shih Tzu to death! It
was a terrible situation as I obviously didn't want to have a massive
falling out with a neighbour but also couldn't let her kill the poor
pup. In the end I got my mum to buy it off her and she then found it a
new home after paying hundreds of pounds in vets bills as it was SO
malnourished and had ulcers on it's body. I didn't realise what was
happening until it was almost too late and started putting food and
water over the fence until I could get it away from her.
She then had another small dog and the cycle started again. I decided
then that I had to report her as I couldn't keep trying to rescue these
dogs myself. She then got rid of that one and got another Shih Tzu and
it's all starting again. :-( It's just horrible. So I completely
understand how you feel too Suzytzu.

Minor Puppy
Minor Puppy

Registration date : 2011-12-09
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Post by Famke Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:18 pm

Can't someone come round and accidently take it without permission?

Now to be on the serious side of things. No it is NOT normal what she does! I think the only way to permanently stop is to get her banned from having pets. Because if you taje this dog away she'll only get another one....... Can't you film what is going on to give that as a prove to the RSPCA?
Open Dog or Bitch
Open Dog or Bitch

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Can this be right? Empty Re: Can this be right?

Post by suzytzu Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:49 pm

Hi Sweetmeg, I was just wondering if the local council or police could do anything or even getting intouch with your nearest shih Tzu rescue, they might have some advice for you as this lady needs stopping. Just a long shot but would it help if you tried to talk to her about your concerns, she obviously isnt a very nice person so I dont envy you, but my thoughts are with you and I thank you for trying to help this poor little dog x

Registration date : 2011-04-26
Number of posts : 234
Age : 68
Location : N. Lincs
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Can this be right? Empty Re: Can this be right?

Post by sujay Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:00 pm

Hi Deb and welcome to the forum. First of all can I say well done on realising there is a problem with this owner. Clearly they have no regard for their dog, and I totally agree that something needs to be done. You say you have reported her to the RSPCA before and it sounds like it has had no effect whatsoever. All I can say is keep reporting her, and sooner or later they will have to do something. It sounds as if she will just go out and get another dog whatever happens though, unless the RSPCA are prepared to take it further. Are there any rescue centres close by who you could contact and see if they are prepared to help put pressure on the RSPCA to do something?

Clearly this is a disgusting situation and should never be allowed to continue. Just keep pestering every dog care organisation you can. Also maybe talk to your local vet and see if they can do anything to help. Please let us know what happens, as we all care about how our furry friends are treated.
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Can this be right? Empty Re: Can this be right?

Post by HeatherB Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:11 pm

Hello Sweetmeg!
Well done for caring about this poor little dog. It is so frustrating when you see this going on right next to you, we also had neighbours who got a string of dogs as puppies and they were always left outside in their freezing, dirty garden and then got rid of, usually after about 6 months and replaced. I never saw them walked but they did get fed. I would try the vet as well, and take pictures of the puppy if you can, Good luck,

Minor Puppy
Minor Puppy

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Can this be right? Empty Re: Can this be right?

Post by SweetMeg Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:23 pm

Hi everyone, :0)
Thanks for all the responses - it's heartwarming to hear that it's not just me being too overcaring.
There's no chance of talking to her about it. After the RSPCA visited her she attacked me on my doorstep so it really is a very sensitive situation and she's threatened to have my car stolen (she's related to some drug dealers - or so she told me). I'm not a coward but I also don't like living in such a stressful atmosphere either. I'm very tempted to let someone know that the dog is there all day unattended so that it may just disappear. At least then it would be warm and safe. I've never had a Shih Tzu myself but I've read up about their natures and it would seem they do love human company and affection - it breaks my heart to know he's sat there all alone. :'-( I have two dogs of my own and they actually sleep with me (much to my husbands annoyance!).
It's very difficult for me now to keep an eye on exactly what she is doing with the dog as a big fence was put up a few months ago. I just hear the poor thing snuffling around all day and when I'm not sleeping at night and let my dogs out I hear it then too. Poor wee boy.
I admit that i am afraid to ramp the situation up again but my need to help the little lad is overwhelming too.
So...I'm thinking that putting my house up for sale at the same time as trying to stop her doing what she's doing might be the only way to go. That way she can only make my life a misery for a short period of time.

Minor Puppy
Minor Puppy

Registration date : 2011-12-09
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Can this be right? Empty Re: Can this be right?

Post by suzytzu Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:19 am

How very sad, my heart goes out to you. It's dreadful to think that you might have to move but i totally know where you are coming from. We see and hear adverts all the time about how abused and neglected animals must be reported, and yet its one of the hardest things to prove so many stupid out of date rules that need changing. Video evidence is acted on, but as you say what will be the outcome for you from her. I dread to think! Have you talked to your nearest shih Tzu rescue i'm sure they would be interested in your story sue x

Registration date : 2011-04-26
Number of posts : 234
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Can this be right? Empty Re: Can this be right?

Post by simbalove Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:07 pm

How very sad and how very brave of you! This breed CANNOT live like this and it is very stressful for them.

I don't know when you last reported her to the RSPCA but the law changed back a year or two and it is no longer ACCEPTABLE for someone to be allowed to care for an animal just because they leave it with water!

There are 5 basic needs that owners of pets are now required to provide and these are listed on the RSPCA website as follows:

"The five welfare needs
This means pet owners are now legally obliged to care for their pet properly - which most owners already do - by providing these five basic needs:

•somewhere suitable to live

•a proper diet, including fresh water

•the ability to express normal behaviour

•for any need to be housed with, or apart from, other animals

•protection from, and treatment of, illness and injury."

Here is the link to that page:

and a link to Defra publication which is the government's guideline for owners:-

This is a PDF file so if the link doesn't work you can pick up the link from the DEFRA website here:

I hope this gives you the ammunition you need to a) make the RSPCA pull their finger out and do their job properly and b) make this little dog's life better and get him the love and affection he needs.

You might like to contact one of the breed rescues also as they might have more clout than you if it comes to the crunch. You can find the relevant info on the Kennel Club website here:

The best ones to contact are probably Southern Shih Tzu Rescue (who are the main breed rescue in the country) or Eilen Macdonald from Shih Tzu REscue (Lancashire) or Ann Craggs from Tyne and Weir. All these people have been around in the breed for many many years and have the breeed's interest at heart and if nothing else they can talk to you about the situation and give you some one on one advice.

Bless you for caring for this little dog and please come on and let me know how you get on - as I will be worrying about this little one especially as the cold weather is now upon us.

Registration date : 2008-09-18
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Can this be right? Empty Re: Can this be right?

Post by SweetMeg Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:14 pm

Hi All,
Many thanks for all your responses - I really do appreciate the time you've taken to discuss this.
I think the first step I'm going to take is speak to someone at one of the rescues. I think this will give me a good idea what to do next.
I will definitely keep you guys updated and I'm hoping that there could possibly be a happy outcome for the little pup. I feel guilty every day that passes that I can't stop this and I don't want to feel like that anymore.
So positive action is my only choice now. :-)
Thanks again everyone. xxx

Minor Puppy
Minor Puppy

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Can this be right? Empty Re: Can this be right?

Post by sujay Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:48 pm

We are just glad that you want to do something for this poor little pup. People are prepared to turn the other way nowadays, but with more people like you around, maybe things can be done to try and stop cruelty to poor little innocent animals happening.

Please keep us up to date as to what is going on, hopefully this story will have a happy ending.
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Can this be right? Empty Re: Can this be right?

Post by SweetMeg Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:54 pm

Mini update:
Just spoken to Doug's wife at the Southern rescue. They would be happy to take the little chap - I just have to find a way. ;-) And where there's a will there's always a way. :0)
Things are looking up..and I have you guys to thank for pointing me in the right direction!
Soon as it's sorted I will let you know - it would be my absolutely favourite Christmas present to have this little lad safe and warm for Christmas day. Wheels are beginning to turn. :0) xxxx

Minor Puppy
Minor Puppy

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Can this be right? Empty Re: Can this be right?

Post by HeatherB Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:14 pm

Hello SweetMeg, I just think you are so brave trying to get this little guy, I know its a long shot but if you need somewhere where he would be loved and cared for and have a proper permanent home then I am looking for a Tzu, see the topic, best dog for a post office. I couldn't take him until we move to the Post Office hopefully in mid January as we are living with our in - laws while we sort out the move. (they don't like animals or I would have him sooner) If you can get him from these people maybe Southern rescue would hold him for me? What colour is he? Not that I really mind, I would love him to have a happy ending after his dreadful start.............

Minor Puppy
Minor Puppy

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Can this be right? Empty Re: Can this be right?

Post by sujay Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:12 am

I see the possible start of a plan coming together here Heather! Smile

Is there any advice or help they could give you as to how this dog could be removed from it's current owners? I know getting this pup away from it's current owners is the plan, but in the long term this despicable person needs to stop being able to keep dogs, because it seems that as soon as they get fed up with this one and get it taken away, another turns up in a few months time. angry
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Can this be right? Empty Re: Can this be right?

Post by simbalove Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:27 am

That is a good start but I still think that you will need the rspca on board as you cannot take the dog yourself without fear of prosecution (even the rspca cannot seize a dog without the police there to do it). Unless you think you are able to talk the neighbour round.

Good luck in your quest and I have my fingers crossed for this little chap that he may soon be in a warm loving forever home xxxxx

Registration date : 2008-09-18
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Location : Rhondda Cynon Taf, South Wales UK
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