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Hello from Simba.

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Hello from Simba. Empty Hello from Simba.

Post by tim Tue Jul 26, 2011 10:12 am

Hi from sunny Cleethorpes, we own a 9 month old shih tzu called Simba, he's a bundle of energy, any advice on getting him speyed would be useful, we dont intend to use him as a stud and he is'nt too excitable so we dont see any reason to have him done, is this a good idea? what are the plus/negative points?. Thanks in advance. Tim and Kathy.
Minor Puppy
Minor Puppy

Registration date : 2011-07-25
Number of posts : 10
Age : 60
Location : Cleethorpes.
Points : 18

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Hello from Simba. Empty Re: Hello from Simba.

Post by maggie1 Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:30 pm

Hello from Simba. 505609 and Hello from Simba. 844148

sorry I can't help you myself but there will be someone on here to give you advice

we have Molly 5yrs gold/white and spayed, and Alfie 2yrs Brindle and has not been neutered, we don't intend to use him as a stud just never seen the need for it
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Hello from Simba. Empty Re: Hello from Simba.

Post by sujay Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:46 pm

Hi Tim and Kathy, and welcome to the forum. I love your avatar, Simba looks really cute. As for neutering, I would say to wait for a while yet, at least until Simba is fully grown. Everyone on here knows I don't like neutering unless it is 100% necessary, and you have said that Simba is not excitable or a problem dog so I would definitely say not to do it yet. At the minute his bones are still soft and neutering may mean that they don't set properly which could lead to no end of problems as he gets older. I know most vets advise doing it from 6 months, but my personal view is to wait until at least a couple of years if you are set on having it done. I am sure others will be along later and give you their opinions, but this is mine for what it is worth! Smile
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Hello from Simba. Empty Re: Hello from Simba.

Post by simbalove Tue Jul 26, 2011 6:30 pm

Weyhey I love the name!!!! (As you can see my user name is Simbalove which is also my kennel name which was the name I chose when I qualified to have a kennel name and it was the name of my cat Very Happy)

I have not had any of my males neutered and I certainly would not recommend it before Simba is fully grown as it can cause problems with bone development and also it can cause the coat to become very woolly and un-manageable. The vets do say that neutering rules out testicular cancer and prostate gland cancer - but I still prefer to leave my animals intact.

Hope that helps you make up your mind Very Happy

Registration date : 2008-09-18
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Hello from Simba. Empty Re: Hello from Simba.

Post by Rooney, Roxy&Pip Tue Jul 26, 2011 7:18 pm

Hi there, lovely pup you have there!! I am not far away from sunny cleethorpes - I am close to Lincoln.

I have a 5 month old girl shih tzu and I need to decide when to spay her.....from previous comments I might try to leave it until she is at least 12 months old. I had my other two shih tzus speyed/neutered at 7 months old.
Rooney, Roxy&Pip
Rooney, Roxy&Pip
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Hello from Simba. Empty Re: Hello from Simba.

Post by sands-62 Wed Jul 27, 2011 2:57 pm

Hi and welcome from me and my two girls Mali & Tasha I don't have them spayed and don't intend to either . I don't think it is necessary unless you think he may wonder off to find a girlfriend. in fact Tasha is in season now, it does mean that we are restricted on taking them out for walks but we have a very large garden and I love to play hide & seek with them so they don't get bored. If you do decide to have him neutered I would definately wait until he is at least 12 months old.
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Hello from Simba. Empty Re: Hello from Simba.

Post by tim Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:33 pm

Hi, thank you for the advice and tips,after reading through them I think we'll leave Simba as he is, as I said ....we dont want to have him done and as long as he's OK then so are we. Thank you all for the replies.
Minor Puppy
Minor Puppy

Registration date : 2011-07-25
Number of posts : 10
Age : 60
Location : Cleethorpes.
Points : 18

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