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tracking indi's breeder

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tracking indi's breeder Empty tracking indi's breeder

Post by carol_indi Tue Sep 14, 2010 2:56 pm

hi piglet

right i have indis kc papers so thought i would try and type all her breed line down here we go .( i have 5 gens to type)

indi's kc name is beautiful bernice and d.o.b is 29th may 2010
(1)her dad is - flirty bertie
(2)her mam is - fairy dust

other names in her line is

ginger boy at woodsidesil
purley belter
rosaril rip o'rooney
kenmilquin sweet lady
kenmilfore sir lancelot
pike's peachey
solid gold coco
polly blopps
rosaril fruity o'rooney
rosaril that midnight kiss
mr turner
tsantha golden girl
kenex vibrant
kenmill to moonlite magic
blue anemone
rossvale addicted to love
jessie blopps
rosevale take that
cherry blopps
ch rosaril the chimney sweep
ch rosaril delilah
ch rosaril the dreamweaver (jw)
kenwu jazilah
magical fun (ikc)
sue ellen adi (ikc)
ch santosha santorini
tsantha bambino
sheldarley the gangster at allcara
carolana amy's delight
zuthis wired for sound
darling bridget
sheldarley the gangster at allcara
carolana amy's delight
dedarcy bachelor boy
kenyee would'nt it be lovely
ch santosha chocolate orange
rossvale the look of love
rossvale take that
cherry blopps
ch keytor any questions
senousi jive bunny at rossvale
samurai chen
molly blopps
ch santosha sunking
ch rosaril modesty blaize
ch firefox of santosha
ch rosaril modesty blaize
rosaril fruity o'rooney
rosaril liquirice lady
ch weatsom new beginnings
weatsom only just begun
golden dream boy
meeko two
my dear sharky boy
sally dot's dee
ch santosha red october
santosha supermodel
santosha regal robin for tsantha
tsantha the songbird
there 5 generation list can anyone help with tracking my indis breeder down ..

thank you


Registration date : 2010-09-12
Number of posts : 46
Age : 44
Location : durham
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tracking indi's breeder Empty Re: tracking indi's breeder

Post by sujay Tue Sep 14, 2010 4:45 pm

The breeders name and address should be on the KC certificate, also they have to sign the paper to transfer the dog over to you, so you should find them on there.

Good Luck, and how is she settling in now?
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tracking indi's breeder Empty Re: tracking indi's breeder

Post by x Tue Sep 14, 2010 8:27 pm

I've just checked my dogs kennel club pedigree certificate ...and the breeders name is on it but no address. So I'm assuming it will be the same for you carol-indi.The transfer of ownership form signed by the owner with her address on it will have been sent to the kennel club so you now own the dog, and I'm thinking you may not have recorded this, as the ownership certificate you receive will now have your name and address on it and only the name of the breeder. But at least you should now be certain of her name and maybe thats a start.Looks like a nice pedigree though we will all recognize some names on there.

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tracking indi's breeder Empty Re: tracking indi's breeder

Post by carol_indi Wed Sep 15, 2010 9:36 am

tuppence my puppy has had 4 owners since she was born ,
the breeder
the woman who bought her from the breeder( had to resell as her daughter had allergies )
the man who bought her from the woman with the daughter with allergies
and me .
what a life my little fur baby has had in such a short time ,
indis papers still have the address of the breeder on , i just need a phone number for her as she has not put the date on when she sold indi ,

Registration date : 2010-09-12
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tracking indi's breeder Empty Re: tracking indi's breeder

Post by sujay Wed Sep 15, 2010 2:35 pm

The poor little thing, she must be so confused only staying somewhere for a few weeks at a time. Thank goodness she has finally found her forever home with you.

If you now have an address, could you not contact the Kennel Club directly and explain the situation to them? They may be able to help you.
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tracking indi's breeder Empty Re: tracking indi's breeder

Post by x Wed Sep 15, 2010 5:15 pm

Oh dear poor little thing. I once had Pomeranian who when I got him from a rescue centre had had 6 homes by the time he was 18 months old.Back to tracking the breeder as you have an address and possibly her name could you not write to her or if she is not to far away maybe call on her.

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tracking indi's breeder Empty Re: tracking indi's breeder

Post by angel01 Wed Sep 15, 2010 5:29 pm

Have you tried tracing her in the online phonebooks or maybe a website? Poor little thing at least she has her forever home now.

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tracking indi's breeder Empty Re: tracking indi's breeder

Post by carol_indi Thu Sep 16, 2010 1:54 pm

hi all thank you for your reply's i will contact the kennel club as i have tryed the directors online and can not find a phone nuber as the ladie is ex directory so i have not been sucsessfull there , contacting the kennel club will have to wait till next week once i get a phone line on .
it looks like my poor puppy will need surgery also within the next few months, as she has breathing problems , at first i thought it was a shih tzu thing with having small noses but once looking online i think this has been passed down threw her mam and dad, my poor baby has hic ups and snorts constantly and has trouble sleeping as she finds it hard to breeth, but i will do anything to help my little fur baby have a better chance in life , has any one had or got a shih tzu with breathing problems who have had to have surgery to make the opening of the nostrils slightly larger and what the cost might be ? any help on this would be woderfull

Registration date : 2010-09-12
Number of posts : 46
Age : 44
Location : durham
Points : 58

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tracking indi's breeder Empty Re: tracking indi's breeder

Post by angel01 Thu Sep 16, 2010 4:28 pm

Is she teething as Millie had breathing problems when she was?

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tracking indi's breeder Empty Re: tracking indi's breeder

Post by Michele Thu Sep 16, 2010 4:33 pm

My daughters shih tzu Maisey was really noisy with snorting and snuffling and snored all the time, when she was spayed the vet said she had very narrow passages but she is 11 months now and it is not so bad now she has grown out of a lot of it x
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tracking indi's breeder Empty Re: tracking indi's breeder

Post by sarahangel Thu Sep 16, 2010 4:47 pm

I posted on here when Panda was 4 months and very snuffly and snorting, sound like they can't breathe. She is much better now, It is said that the nostrils narrow when teething, so it could be that. Panda still get loads of hiccups, I think from my experience that is a puppy thing!

Her restlessness may also be due to her matted fur, which can be uncomfortable, perhaps when that has gone she will settle a bit more easily.

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tracking indi's breeder Empty Re: tracking indi's breeder

Post by sands-62 Thu Sep 16, 2010 5:40 pm

Tasha snorts an awful lot always has done . She is going to be two years old in a couple of weeks. The other day she had a bit of a breathing fit she was trying to breathe and couldn't, her and Mali had been racing around and got over excited.What Iwas told to do was, put your finger over her nostrils so she has to breathe through her mouth . It sorts the problem out straight away. That is the first time Tasha had done that but Mali used to do it a lot.
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tracking indi's breeder Empty Re: tracking indi's breeder

Post by carol_indi Fri Sep 17, 2010 8:34 am

thank you for the advice i will try it out with indi, see how i get along , but i do feel horrid when she trys to goto sleep and closes her mouth than the snorting starts and she trys to sleep with her mouth open but it dose not work, as soon as she starts falling asleep she closes her mouth and she wakes up, this gose on till she is totally shattered and cant keep her little eyes open anymore , try putting her out for last toilet at 11.30pm and poor little thing is just simply too tired to do anything and just lays there trying to sleep all ova again ,

Registration date : 2010-09-12
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tracking indi's breeder Empty Re: tracking indi's breeder

Post by sujay Fri Sep 17, 2010 9:21 am

Have a word with your vet about her breathing, and they will tell you if it is a major problem or just teething. It could well be teething as you baby is the right age for this now. Often when teething they sound like they have a snuffly cold, but it will pass as the adult teeth come in. Smile
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tracking indi's breeder Empty Re: tracking indi's breeder

Post by carol_indi Fri Sep 17, 2010 9:48 am

hi sujay, indis just on getting all her baby teeth threw se is still cutting her back teeth,

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tracking indi's breeder Empty Re: tracking indi's breeder

Post by sujay Fri Sep 17, 2010 12:02 pm

Sounds like the problems could well be her teething then. It should all pass once her big teeth have come through in a few weeks. Smile
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tracking indi's breeder Empty Re: tracking indi's breeder

Post by carol_indi Fri Sep 17, 2010 5:34 pm

hope so , just noticed indi has a cold Crying or Very sad poor baby, but we are off to the vets on monday so will ask there as indi will be getting her first injection Wink the one more to go and she will be able to walk in the big wide world a well as going to meet my mother in laws 4 dog ( all girls ) she has 3 poms and 1 shih tzu i think she is only a little bit older than indi so mother in law will have loads of little dogs running around her back garden shih tzu
im sure once indi gets to meet the 3 poms ( honey, poppy and bow bow ) and the shih tzu (tara ) she will have plenty to do as they are spoilt rotton plenty dog toys/teddys to play with, grooming tzu plus indi is at the groomers a week today so i might be able to get her hair sorted out woo hoo cheer 2

Registration date : 2010-09-12
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tracking indi's breeder Empty Re: tracking indi's breeder

Post by sujay Sun Sep 19, 2010 9:46 am

The cold could all be down to the teething as well. Sounds like your mother in law has got her hands full, it will be great for Indi to be able to play with them all, but I would keep out the way once they all start running round! Fingers crossed the groomers manages to get her coat sorted out without having to cut it all off. Smile
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tracking indi's breeder Empty Re: tracking indi's breeder

Post by simbalove Mon Sep 20, 2010 9:47 pm

You might like to put some olbas oil on her bedding - it often helps during teething when the nostrils tend to tighten and pinch a little. Happily it doesn't last long - though she then has to cut her second teeth a short time later Very Happy

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