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Rooney, Roxy&Pip
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Post by weezy121978 Thu May 20, 2010 3:42 pm

Hi there

I joined up on here yesterday after meeting a fellow shih tzu owner in the village of Ruskington in Lincolnshire. Me and my fella Andy have the joy of an adorable 10 month old shih tzu bitch who goes by the name of Rusty (or Rusty Bear as we tend to call her!)

She is the light in our life and we would never be without her! We fell in love with her after seeing her at a breeders - so much so that we moved into a new house as the one we were renting would not allow us to have pets!

She loves sleeping, nipping, walking and eating chicken! She has taken up pride of place on our bed at night - starting at our feet then working her way up between us where she gets under the covers and lies on her back with her head on the pillow .... then eventually I wake to find her wrapped around my head!

We love her to bits and if we had the space or the money I'm sure we would have a house full of shih tzu's!

I just wanted to say hi from me and 'the bear' and I look forward to chatting with other shih tzu lovers on here!

Louise and Rusty Bear xxx

Registration date : 2010-05-19
Number of posts : 99
Age : 45
Location : Ruskington, Lincolnshire
Points : 108

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Post by sandra Thu May 20, 2010 5:11 pm

hi piglet welcome 2
Sandra & Oscar x
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Post by Rooney, Roxy&Pip Thu May 20, 2010 6:34 pm

Hi Louise! Thanks for joining Whispers! You will find everyone really friendly and helpful. There is lots of advice available on here and also the most adorable shih tzus ever! teddy hug
Rooney, Roxy&Pip
Rooney, Roxy&Pip
Supreme Champion
Supreme Champion

Registration date : 2009-05-12
Number of posts : 1846
Age : 45
Location : Lincolnshire
Points : 2251

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Post by simbalove Thu May 20, 2010 8:16 pm

It is so lovely to meet another totally shih tzu addict Very Happy Welcome aboard and it is lovely to speak to you and hear about your lovely girl - my first shih tzu Suki used to sleep like that - I always woke to find her wrapped around my head lol! - it was very hot in Summer!!

Registration date : 2008-09-18
Number of posts : 10573
Age : 68
Location : Rhondda Cynon Taf, South Wales UK
Points : 8217

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Post by weezy121978 Thu May 20, 2010 8:33 pm

well hello everyone and thanks for the responses! As you can see by my profile pic my Rusty does like a good nap! We have just taken her out for a walk - we had to wait today as the weather was so hot and Rusty seems to get all over heated (is that normal?) - and as we walked into the village she got the scent of her grandad in the pub and dragged us in there - bad girl! So thanks to our Rusty we had a swift beverage in the beer garden on our walk! God bless the Shih Tzu! They always have the best ideas!

Registration date : 2010-05-19
Number of posts : 99
Age : 45
Location : Ruskington, Lincolnshire
Points : 108

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Post by simbalove Thu May 20, 2010 8:57 pm

Are you sure it wasn't the other way round lol! ??? I can see the headlines now - "Abusive Owners Drag Poor Shih Tzu Into Pub!!!!"" bouncy lol

It is better not to go out in the heat of the day - many dogs do get over-heated though I have never found my shih tzu to be overly affected (that may be in part that they have always been in full coat which acts thermally cool in summer warm in winter Very Happy)

Registration date : 2008-09-18
Number of posts : 10573
Age : 68
Location : Rhondda Cynon Taf, South Wales UK
Points : 8217

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Post by weezy121978 Thu May 20, 2010 9:01 pm

that's interesting to hear about the full coat - we actually had our shih tzu cut quite short when the hot weather started to appear as we thought it would be more comfortable for her - was that wrong? Also, she still pulls a lot on her lead (as she always wants to get to see the ducks in the village asap!) so we wondered about using a harness instead of a collar so she is not pulling on her neck - would you recommend this?
oh, and as for the pub ... that was most definately her idea!

Registration date : 2010-05-19
Number of posts : 99
Age : 45
Location : Ruskington, Lincolnshire
Points : 108

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Hello all! Empty Re: Hello all!

Post by simbalove Thu May 20, 2010 9:11 pm

I am afraid I have a bit of a puller here though I did try a special harness from Pets at Home which stopped him pulling immediately but I took it back because of the damage it would do to his coat!

You don't have that problem if her coat is short so it may well be an answer - though I think she may well pull in that too - it is a habit hard to break once it has started. Josh never pulls on the way home!

I did have a special lead which really does work - I will go get a link for you (memo to myself to search it out and get him back in training lol!)
Click Here for Bungee Leads

Some people will argue that it is imperative that their dog's coat is cut short in the summer for heat reasons but in the 30 plus years I have had the breed (and all fully-coated) I have NOT had one dog with heat stroke andin fact my black and whites were devils for going out and lying in full sun! Josh does get a bit hot on really hot days if we are out walking but I always carry water with me so he can have regular drinks! If her coat is very short then you need to be careful regarding sunburn - but as you already said you didn't take her out when it was really hot - you have that under control!

Registration date : 2008-09-18
Number of posts : 10573
Age : 68
Location : Rhondda Cynon Taf, South Wales UK
Points : 8217

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Post by weezy121978 Thu May 20, 2010 9:18 pm

thank you so much once again - you have made me feel like a good mum! Let me know that link - much appreciated! My baby girl is now flat out on her bed in the kitchen - but I can see her sniffing subconsciously as we have sausages cooking!

Registration date : 2010-05-19
Number of posts : 99
Age : 45
Location : Ruskington, Lincolnshire
Points : 108

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Post by simbalove Thu May 20, 2010 9:21 pm

I already put it in the post - it said click here for bungee leads lol!


I just love how their noses work when they are asleep Very Happy and yes you are a good mum xxxx

Registration date : 2008-09-18
Number of posts : 10573
Age : 68
Location : Rhondda Cynon Taf, South Wales UK
Points : 8217

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Post by weezy121978 Thu May 20, 2010 9:47 pm

I have just made an order for the bungee lead! would you suggest using it with a little harness or just with a normal collar? I have gone for the lead that goes up to 12kg - our baby is only 6.5kg at the minute. Just out of interest - what is she likely to weigh at full size? and when do they stop growing? This website has become an obsession as I have so many questions and am so happy to meet people who have common interests! Me and my fella are like those irritating people that just talk about their children all day!

Registration date : 2010-05-19
Number of posts : 99
Age : 45
Location : Ruskington, Lincolnshire
Points : 108

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Post by simbalove Thu May 20, 2010 10:05 pm

well you will fit in well with me then lol!

They recommend using a harness though you can use with a collar - which is what I did and it works instantaneously though I had to go get the heavier size because Josh thinks he is an ox and can pull quite hard which on the single bungee meant he pulled it out further than it chould go and then flew back through the air at me lol! So I suggest you try it without taking the label off as they will replace it then of you need to. As she is only 6.5 kg it should be plenty strong enough - although Josh wasn't much heavier than that, he is all muscle!

Anyway she probably won't get a lot bigger now - the long bone sets at about 12 month which means that she won't get any taller from then on, but they continue to broaden and mature for a couple of years after that.

Registration date : 2008-09-18
Number of posts : 10573
Age : 68
Location : Rhondda Cynon Taf, South Wales UK
Points : 8217

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Post by sands-62 Sun May 23, 2010 5:57 am

Hi and a big Welsh welcome 'croeso' from me and my two girls Mali & Tasha.
I am also another Shih Tzu mad owner.We are back from a holiday in the Yorkshire Dales it was fantastic. The girls went to their Doggy Hotel in the countryside and had a wonderful time. Tasha's eyes were well cared for so I needn't have worried -Tasha has had Ulcers on her eyes and has to have drops in them each day- As Lesley has said we are a good friendly bunch on here, I have gained so much more knowledge since joining. I have Mali & Tasha in a harness I think they are much kinder than a collar.Your Rusty looks sooo sweeet.I wish my hubby would let me have them on our bed. Mali is asleep on my lap now while I write this. They were so excited when I went to pick them up from their Doggy Hotel they were chasing aound the house and the garden for quite a while I was worried about them getting exhausted because of the heat. Enjoy your stay with us.

Hello all! Th_DSC02395

welcome welcome 3 welcome
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Number of posts : 3553
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Post by Rooney, Roxy&Pip Sun May 23, 2010 10:20 am

Perhaps I may be a bad influence on Rusty's mum when she sees my collection of coats, collars, dressing gowns, harnesses, seatbelts lol!

We are all meeting up later this afternoon!
Rooney, Roxy&Pip
Rooney, Roxy&Pip
Supreme Champion
Supreme Champion

Registration date : 2009-05-12
Number of posts : 1846
Age : 45
Location : Lincolnshire
Points : 2251

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Post by Rooney, Roxy&Pip Sun May 23, 2010 10:21 am

I forgot to add that Roxy is 8kg! a really nice size especially when you need to carry her....I always opt for grabbing Roxy rather than 11.5kg Rooney....who is now on a little diet.
Rooney, Roxy&Pip
Rooney, Roxy&Pip
Supreme Champion
Supreme Champion

Registration date : 2009-05-12
Number of posts : 1846
Age : 45
Location : Lincolnshire
Points : 2251

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Post by weezy121978 Sun May 23, 2010 12:01 pm

you have to bring a dressing gown to show me! I am soooo excited about this afternoon - I hope our pups get on!
I have just fed Rusty a plate of chicken and sweet potato (she eats better than we do!) and as a sign of appreciation she polished off the lot then came through to me and let out an almighty belch! Very attractive!!!

Registration date : 2010-05-19
Number of posts : 99
Age : 45
Location : Ruskington, Lincolnshire
Points : 108

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Post by sands-62 Sun May 23, 2010 12:24 pm

I hope you all have a lovely time. I am so envious that you are meeting up with your little babies. I had thought of seeing if there were any ones from our South Wales area that would like to meet up.
Enjoy. Update us with pics when you get back.
teddy hug
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Registration date : 2009-10-24
Number of posts : 3553
Age : 77
Location : West Wales
Points : 3821

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Post by weezy121978 Sun May 23, 2010 12:31 pm

I have the camera charging as we speak! If there is anyone else in the Ruskington area that wants to come along you are more than welcome! The more the merrier!

Registration date : 2010-05-19
Number of posts : 99
Age : 45
Location : Ruskington, Lincolnshire
Points : 108

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Post by simbalove Sun May 23, 2010 1:03 pm

sands-62 wrote:I hope you all have a lovely time. I am so envious that you are meeting up with your little babies. I had thought of seeing if there were any ones from our South Wales area that would like to meet up.
Enjoy. Update us with pics when you get back.
teddy hug

Get out of my head will you Carol??? lol! Yesterday Sue and I were talking about just such a thing and will be trying to arrange something soon!! - I will start a thread for dates and ideas!! teddy hug

Registration date : 2008-09-18
Number of posts : 10573
Age : 68
Location : Rhondda Cynon Taf, South Wales UK
Points : 8217

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Post by weezy121978 Sun May 23, 2010 3:21 pm

can shih tzu's eat ice cream? Random question I know - but in this heat I think she would really appreciate it!

Registration date : 2010-05-19
Number of posts : 99
Age : 45
Location : Ruskington, Lincolnshire
Points : 108

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Post by Missy moos dad Sun May 23, 2010 3:31 pm

Missy loves ice cream , Don't know if it's bad for them , but it doesn't seem to have done her any harm
Missy moos dad
Missy moos dad

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Post by simbalove Sun May 23, 2010 6:57 pm

I think most dogs woudl enjoy an ice cream (except possibly my boy lol! )
- though not too much or you might end up with a doggy with a loose bowel movement the next day Very Happy

Registration date : 2008-09-18
Number of posts : 10573
Age : 68
Location : Rhondda Cynon Taf, South Wales UK
Points : 8217

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Post by Michele Sun May 23, 2010 8:57 pm

Mine love ice cream but only a small amount or they do suffer the next day!!!, they also like ice cubes when it is hot I always run them under the tap first though so their tongues dont stick to the ice, they love crunching them x
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Post by x Mon May 24, 2010 7:17 pm

In hot weather I usually fill a Kong Toy with mashed banana , natural unsweetened yoghurt (which I make myself using an easy-yo yoghurt maker ) and a little honey then freeze, put a small slice of banana in first though as the mixture may leak out of the small hole in the opposite end you are going to fill if you have made it too runny . Freeze standing the Kong in a glass to keep it upright. All the dogs I have had enjoy licking it out of their toy including my little Shih Tzu Tuppence and its very good for them.Not like icecream full of fats and sugars. I did have a Yorkie once who would perferr me to take the end off my 99 and scoop some ice-cream out for her though if we were out and she had her own cornet then (cheeky madam that she was).

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Post by sands-62 Mon May 24, 2010 9:09 pm

Hubby and I have icecream most days for pud and ashamed as I am to admit it but Mali & Tasha like to lick our fingers at the end. They are so spoilt. But 'they'r worth it'

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