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food of choice Empty food of choice

Post by weezy121978 Thu May 20, 2010 10:30 am

Morning all shih tzu lovers!

I have a 10 month old Shih Tzu called Rusty. As a smaller pup she was brought up on royal canin dog biscuits which was fine. Since she got to about 8 months she totally went off the food so I tried changing her to adult food - but I cannot find any that she will eat! So she currently lives on human food and I've found that she loves chicken, mashed potato and veg - she eats better than me and my fella!

Has anyone found a particular dog food that their shih tzu is partial to?

Many thanks! Wishing you all a wonderful day in the sunshine!

Louise and Rusty xxx
ps - how do I put a picture on my profile?

Registration date : 2010-05-19
Number of posts : 99
Age : 45
Location : Ruskington, Lincolnshire
Points : 108

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food of choice Empty Re: food of choice

Post by Michaela Thu May 20, 2010 10:44 am

Hi there a month ag we found a new dog food and Biscuit 7months loves it. It is called Green Dog and has only natural ingrediants and they are all fit for human consumption. We have not had a problem with it. Google it for your nearest stockist

Limit Dog or Bitch
Limit Dog or Bitch

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food of choice Empty Re: food of choice

Post by simbalove Thu May 20, 2010 12:21 pm

Since Josh was a wee one he has been on Natures Menu Banquet Nuggets which is a frozen raw diet which has been minced and cubed so that it is easy to serve - I lift out the number of nuggets he eats and put them to thaw, serve and he wolfs them down (which is quite unusual ina lone shih tzu as they can be quite finicky about food - learning to tie their owners in knots lol!). He is now 5 years old and at his vet check/booster on Friday his teeth were great and he is the muscliest shih tzu I have ever owned as raw meat gives the dogs good muscle development.

It is a mixture of mainly whole ground chicken (bones and all), tripe, lamb, liver, heart and a few peas. It is as natural a diet as you can get without havcing to work out your own ratios or deal with carcases etc!!

Prior to that he ate only raw chicken wings, bone and all Very Happy

i wish I had known about this type of diet years ago when I had my tribe of shih tzu as it was always difficult to get body on my show boy - and the girls used to put on weight - flab not muscle!!

Registration date : 2008-09-18
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Location : Rhondda Cynon Taf, South Wales UK
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food of choice Empty Re: food of choice

Post by simbalove Thu May 20, 2010 12:27 pm

weezy121978 wrote:Morning all shih tzu lovers!

ps - how do I put a picture on my profile?
If you click on the Profile link at the top of the page (under the banner Shih Tzu Whispers) then clcik on the Avatar tab. There you will see the option to upload one from your computer (you need to resize your picture first to 150 pixels wide by 200 high) or you can put the web address of an online picture where a photo is stored (for example in Photobucket or such like)

If you want a picture under your posts then that is the Signature tab and you will need to have the picture stored somewhere on the internet, you click the IMG link copy the web address and paste the web address then click the IMG link to close the HTML then for either option you need to click the SAVE button.

Looking forward to seeing your pic Very Happy

Registration date : 2008-09-18
Number of posts : 10573
Age : 68
Location : Rhondda Cynon Taf, South Wales UK
Points : 8217

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food of choice Empty Re: food of choice

Post by x Tue May 25, 2010 6:55 pm

Hi Simbalove . I have managed to find a supplier of Natures Menu near me and just wondered how many nuggets you give to Josh for a meal and do you feed him twice a day.

Open Dog or Bitch
Open Dog or Bitch

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food of choice Empty Re: food of choice

Post by simbalove Tue May 25, 2010 9:03 pm

Josh only has one meal of nuggest each day - but he usually has a couple of chicken mini breast fillets slow roasted in the oven to make chewy every morning and a little bit of ham when I have my lunch as well as a couple of top quality dog biscuits like JJames Well Beloved Crackerjacks or even better the Pet Bakery Chicken Bones. But of course each dog is different and some like to have two or even three meals a day (Josh just doesn't want a meal in the morning!!) He has 10 nuggets most days and 12 or 13 if he has had a long walk. They recoomend up to 15 for a small dog (info which is no longer on the bag). It might not seem a lot but they are pretty filling. Its probably going to be a bit of trial and error at first - it was with Josh I wasted few until I got the hang of how many he could and would eat. xxxx

Registration date : 2008-09-18
Number of posts : 10573
Age : 68
Location : Rhondda Cynon Taf, South Wales UK
Points : 8217

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food of choice Empty Re: food of choice

Post by tesrayla Tue May 25, 2010 11:14 pm

my girls always have eukenuba but also ave a weekend treat of chicken filllets which i cook and rice and a little flora added in , but now i have been giving them this for several months now it seems like they go off sulking if i delay in giving it to them,

Limit Dog or Bitch
Limit Dog or Bitch

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