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Post by jancatgirl Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:01 am

My baby Barny Bear will not stop scratching unless he's asleep. Have treated with Frontline and no fleas whatsoever! Not sure if allergy to food or other. Anyone else experiencing similar problems. Feel so bad cos cant help my baby!!!

Minor Puppy
Minor Puppy

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Post by sands-62 Tue Nov 03, 2009 6:22 am

Hi and and Welcome I had a similar problem with Mali when she was around 9 months old. You don't say how old Barny Bear is. Mali was scratching ,her coat was awful and dropping out that could have been the coat'blowing' as it was my first ever Shih Tzu I didn't know these things. In the end after taking her to the Vet I put her on Burns Mini Bites food and that got her back to normal. So might be worth atry if you are sure there is no other under lying problem. There is a useful website called 'vet help direct .com' that gives free advice,maybe that is worth a go too.
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Post by simbalove Tue Nov 03, 2009 7:55 pm

Sounds to me like it is either an allergy to the food you are feeding him OR a reaction to something you use in the house either on the carpets/flooring or his bedding (eg washing powder). It is likely to be a process of elimination to find out what - it could also be shampoo/conditioner or grooming spary if you are using that.

What food are you using first off??
If you are using shampoo/conditioner/grooming spray what are you using?
Do you use any carpet freshening products or disinfectants?

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Post by Rooney, Roxy&Pip Tue Nov 03, 2009 9:45 pm

Argh, I still have this problem with Rooney and I am sure it is an allegy but to what i have no idea. He mainly scratches his head and ears. Roxy is the same but not as bad. It has calmed down alot since his ears have improved. There is still something around.
Rooney, Roxy&Pip
Rooney, Roxy&Pip
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