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    Excessive Licking...? Empty Excessive Licking...?

    Post by MrJ Wed Oct 07, 2009 8:10 pm

    Roo is nearly 13 weeks old!

    but he does tend to lick us a lot when he's not biting...

    obviously putting the hygiene things to one side he can end up licking us if we don't stop him or move out the way for a long time!

    What i'm wondering is if this licking is normal or if its some behavioural thing e.g. asserting some sort of dominance for example or boredom?

    We can stop it with some firm no's although we do have to repeat it several times or we just move it out the way...
    the stones/coins in can doesn't work any more as he does stop doing it but then starts barking back! also spraying water on him doesnt do anything and he just ends up with a wet face!!! :S
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    Excessive Licking...? Empty Re: Excessive Licking...?

    Post by Tracy Wed Oct 07, 2009 8:22 pm

    I overheard the trainer at Louis puppy classes tell a young family to rub albus oil over the childrens arms and hands a couple of weeks ago they are reporting back that it works well. Maybe worth a try??
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    Excessive Licking...? Empty Re: Excessive Licking...?

    Post by Nyssa Wed Oct 07, 2009 8:23 pm

    Well, Peerie is a little bit obsessive-compulsive when it comes to licking (she'll sit and lick the air of nothing better is there!) so I can't really help!

    I think it's just a sign of love and affection with soggy shiddie kissy-face!
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    Excessive Licking...? Empty Re: Excessive Licking...?

    Post by MrJ Wed Oct 07, 2009 8:35 pm

    Well i do think its affection but I wanted to check it wasn't anything it shouldn't be that really I should be correcting! Smile
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    Excessive Licking...? Empty Re: Excessive Licking...?

    Post by Kengai Wed Oct 07, 2009 9:13 pm

    If he's licking you I would say it's either a sign of affection or dominance.

    My Sasha is a licker - every night she sits on my lap, front paws holding my face, and she licks me for anything up to 15 minutes (by that time I'm fed up) - I'm sure she would carry on if I let her! For her, it's definitely affection.

    If you don't want him to do it, then keep going with the firm no, and just persevere with that -he will soon get used to it.

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    Excessive Licking...? Empty Re: Excessive Licking...?

    Post by simbalove Wed Oct 07, 2009 10:22 pm

    Thats part of my life with shih tzu that I love (I was mortified when my last two shids refused to kiss me at all lol!) Josh is a licker and I have a morning facial every day, sometimes get my hair washed and have my feet and arms licked reguarly. In fact if he wants something and I say NO he will come and lick the inside of my elbow and then look at me as if to say "Now can I?" bouncy lol

    If you are happy for Roo to do it then no problem. If you don't like it then as Kirsty says just persevere with a firm NO!!

    Oh and my vet told me that they do not like Oil of Cloves - and I used that to stop Josh chewing the coffee table at work with great effect Very Happy (As my vet said they only lick it once!!)

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    Excessive Licking...? Empty Re: Excessive Licking...?

    Post by BernieB Wed Oct 07, 2009 10:48 pm

    Yeh my Alfie is a licker too its affection, I like it and he will give me 'kisses' when I ask him too - its all part of having a cute little Shih Tzu that wants to show you how much he loves you - enjoy it teddy hug

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    Excessive Licking...? Empty Re: Excessive Licking...?

    Post by simbalove Wed Oct 07, 2009 11:19 pm

    Its lovely isn't it Bernie?? wub

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    Excessive Licking...? Empty Re: Excessive Licking...?

    Post by Eve Thu Oct 08, 2009 12:56 am

    aw i think its sweet, Amber isnt a licker face wise but she will go to town on my feet and legs, never get licks on the face, so count yourself lucky
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    Excessive Licking...? Empty Re: Excessive Licking...?

    Post by sujay Thu Oct 08, 2009 9:24 am

    I was once told that when they lick your feet, it is the closest thing to the smell of a bitch on heat, and also their mothers just after they are born, so think of it as a reminder of that!!! Whether that is true or not I am not sure though.

    I know all the dogs I have had, have had obsessions with my feet, I always thought it was the salt in my skin they were after, but maybe not lol! If I pick Simba up and say give me a kiss, without fail I get just one sweet little lick on the end of my nose, but if I pick him up when I first go in I get a shiddie facial!
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    Excessive Licking...? Empty Re: Excessive Licking...?

    Post by maggie1 Thu Oct 08, 2009 12:29 pm

    I love those little kisses,and Alfie's tiny tongue compared to Molly's
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    Excessive Licking...? Empty Re: Excessive Licking...?

    Post by MrJ Sat Oct 10, 2009 9:01 am

    something else Roo has started doing and that's scraping his back feet on the carpet. you know like they are being clean and wiping their feet.

    From watching Dog Whisperer this is a sign of dominance?
    He's only just started doing this the last couple of days and today I thought i'm not having that so i'm disagreeing with a firm no and a touch just to grab his attention. So we'll see how that goes.
    Do you agree with my assesment?
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    Excessive Licking...? Empty Re: Excessive Licking...?

    Post by simbalove Sat Oct 10, 2009 10:25 am

    They tend to do it when they have cocked their legs up a tree or something - so I wouldn't say it was dominance... just male marking his territory. Obviously if he is dmaging the carpet then I would stay stop it but I like to allow my dogs to be dogs and try not to interfere with their natural behaviour. You are not going to have a dominant dog that terrorises you if you love him, treat him with respect and be consistent in your leadership. Just remember that Shih Tzu are not the typical dogs that Mr Milan deals with and that his methods are not always met with approval in the world of dog owners/trainers Very Happy

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    Excessive Licking...? Empty Re: Excessive Licking...?

    Post by MrJ Sat Oct 10, 2009 10:50 am

    Ok no probs!
    At least I have you to ask! Rather that than continue to do something that may cause undesired results!

    Thanks!!! Smile)))
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    Excessive Licking...? Empty Re: Excessive Licking...?

    Post by simbalove Sat Oct 10, 2009 2:53 pm

    Just enjoy the funny little things Roo will do - you will do just fine being your natural selves with him honestly Very Happy Obviously if you don't being licked or you don't want him doing something then you step in (after all you are the one who is living with him) but if you don't mind then enjoy it. Sounds like you have yourselves a real little character there and I am sure he will provide you with many happy hours lol!

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    Excessive Licking...? Empty Re: Excessive Licking...?

    Post by Nyssa Sat Oct 10, 2009 2:55 pm

    Peerie always has a good scratch after she's had a wee, it's really funny - if it's been a particulalry 'satisfying' wee she'll do it will all four paws and sort of bounce of the ground!

    Bramble's started doing it too now, but she doesn't quite get why Peerie does it - bramble will scratch after she's had a drink, or else when she wants Peerie to play with her!
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    Excessive Licking...? Empty Re: Excessive Licking...?

    Post by angel01 Sun Oct 11, 2009 11:35 am

    Millie kicks her back legs when she has had a wee or a poo. I think it's cute. When she wants to play she lies on her back and kicks her legs in the air kisses

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